Introduction to the 5 Part Mariology Series
Mary as revealed through the Scriptures from The Old Testament to The New Testament Welcome to this five part series on Mary and why Catholics believe different dogmatic traditions. Our beliefs about Mary as Catholics are not new. Writings of the early Church Fathers from the first century on, show evidence of this. In this series I will explain in great detail through the Sacred Scriptures about her calling since the beginning of time and different dogmas believed by Catholics. The goal of this series is to prove that Mary was no ordinary woman but the most revered woman throughout all of Christian history, especially from those in the early church and today’s Catholics. Let’s start with some terminology. Christology is the Theological study of Jesus Christ. Mariology is the Theological study of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Typology is the Christian Theology and Biblical exegesis is a doctrine or theory concerning the relationship of the Old Testament to the New Te...